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Epidemiology Department

The mission of the Department can be so summarised:

  • Proceed to individuation and estimation of specific cancer risk factors, with particular attention on those of high incidence or mortality in Campania Region, with the aim to increase the foreseeable fraction of correct information.
  • Promote the creation of sanitary databanks and expansion of telematic networks in order to improve and potentiate the capacity of analysis and evaluations, aimed to individuate new diagnostic markers and efficient therapies and to make efficient sanitary programs.

The activity is realized through specific research projects (finalized and current research) and support of archiving and biostatistical elaboration of the patients’ data. .

References and Contacts
Dr. Maurizio Montella, Director

Paola Del Piano, Valentina Buda: data entry
Flavia Nocerino, Emanuela Rotondo: interviews, survey and secretarial support
Maria Grimaldi: survey coordination; tables and reports production
Anna Crispo: study design, database management and draft preparation

Address: Via M. Semmola- 80131 Napoli
phone.: +39.081.5903816
fax: +39.0815462900
e-mail: m.montella@istitutotumori.na.it


Istituto Nazionale Tumori IRCCS "Fondazione G. Pascale" via Mariano Semmola - 80131 Napoli