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Scientific Directorate


The Scientific Directorate is the center for the coordination of the scientific activity of the Istituto Nazionale Tumori  IRCCS “Fondazione G. Pascale”.
Its mission is to develop strategies and to promote innovative activities consistent with the type of research conducted in the Institute, with a particular attention to translational research, aimed to transfer results from research laboratories to the clinical practice and vice versa.


The Scientific Directorate:

  • Promotes and coordinates project funded by the Italian ministry of health: Ricerca Corrente, Ricerca Finalizzata, Conto Capitale; projects funded by public and private institutions: 5 x mille, AIRC, European Commission, the Italian Drug Agency (AIFA), foundations, associations, etc., with the help of Administrative Structure for Research for administrative and financial aspects of management
  • Carries on continuous monitoring of  the scientific productivity and of clinical trials active at the Institute
  • Promotes partnerships and agreements between the Institute and other IRCCS, universities, public or private research institutes (both national and international), the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education and University
  • Promotes the participation of the Institute to research and development programs funded by national and international institutions, through the Grant Office
  • Ensures the protection of intellectual property of inventions created by researchers at the Institute through the activities of the Technology Transfer Office
  • Collaborates with national and international institutions through the Institutional BioBank
  • Promotes dissemination of scientific information through the Institute's Seminars Committee


Director dr Gerardo Botti
Contact address: via Mariano. Semmola s.n.c., 80131 Napoli
phone 081 5903757 - fax 081 5461688
email direzionescientifica@istitutotumori.na.it
Location Scientific Building - Ground floor
Gianfranco De Feo Clinical Trials monitoring
Paola Del Prete Management of Ricerca Corrente WorkFlow; Coordination of monitoring research activity
Rosario Romanelli Director of technical teachings and practical training of Degree Course for Biomedical Laboratory Technician
Mario Tamburini Support to the Scientific Library
Stefano Ambrosio Scientific Secretary; Seminars Committee Management Secretary
Francesca D’Ambrosio Management OECI Accreditation
Giancarlo Fatalò IT and technical support
Maria Luigia Mazzone Grants and Technology Transfer Office Manager; Innovazione&Ricerca Newsletter Editor
Alessandra Trocino Bibliosan and Document Delivery management
Giada Palmieri Collaboration to S.C. Amministrativa della Ricerca







Istituto Nazionale Tumori IRCCS "Fondazione G. Pascale" via Mariano Semmola - 80131 Napoli