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Grant Office


The Grant Office provides timely advice and information to researchers on funding opportunities and coordinates the participation of the research projects to funding programs. 


The Grant Office:

  • Provides information and links to the most common funding schemes within the Istituto Pascale
  • Promotes the participation in national and international funding programs
  • Facilitates the networking and partnerships with public and private agencies and institutions.
  • Provides information on the internal procedures for submitting of project proposals.

References and Contacts:
Director : Gerardo Botti
GO manager : Maria Luigia Mazzone
e-mail:  grantoffice@istitutotumori.na.it
Address: via Mariano Semmola s.n.c., 80131 Napoli - Italy


Istituto Nazionale Tumori IRCCS "Fondazione G. Pascale" via Mariano Semmola - 80131 Napoli