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Scientific Director

The Scientific Director is responsible for the research performed at the Institute.
Promotes and coordinates the activities, manages research budget in accordance with the General Manager, within the guidelines established by the Consiglio di Indirizzo e Verifica, in the respect of the organization and functioning of the Institute.

The Scientific Director is the chair of the Technical Scientific Committee, is member of the Independent Ethical Committee and is Director of the Scientific Library.

The Scientific Director is appointed by the Minister of Health, after consulting the President of the Region, and has a five-year assignment.

The current Scientific Director of Istituto Nazionale TumoriĀ  IRCCS “Fondazione G.Pascale” is dr Gerardo Botti, appointed by decree of October 24, 2016.



dr. Gerardo Botti
phone 081 5903757
e-mail: g.botti@istitutotumori.na.it
Istituto Nazionale Tumori IRCCS "Fondazione G. Pascale" via Mariano Semmola - 80131 Napoli