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Biobank is a “bio-repository” for the collection, storage and distribution of human biological material and related information. Therefore, it represents a key resource for diagnosis, research and experimental therapies, especially those requiring the use of targeted drugs. Biobanks cannot be “spontaneous” collections, but structured research units coordinated by an Institutional Organization, that is able to guarantee the establishment and adoption of precise and shared rules.

Institutional BioBank (IBB) of Pascale Institute
The Institutional BioBank (IBB) collects and stores human biological material for a Scientific Research purpose. Dr. Gerardo Botti, Head of the Department of Pathology and Cytopathology, is the IBB Manager. IBB takes part to the Rete Nazionale delle Biobanche Oncologiche “RIBBO” (National Web of Oncology Biobanking) and it has been involved in the preparatory stage of the European Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure “BBMRI”
IBB offers to collaborate to the creation of guidelines in order to set a Regional Web for Biobanking, defining the main aspects of Biobanks organization and management, so that the procedures for their activation are homogeneous in the entire region.
Stored biomaterials include organ tissues, blood samples and other biological fluids. Specimens are stored in specific cryopreservation facilities (-80 refrigerators and liquid nitrogen tanks) as well as in paraffin after formalin fixation. A small amount of nucleic acids samples is also kept.
IBB main aim is to support medical-scientific research, providing Research Institutes with biological samples, of high quality and carefully documented, for biomolecular investigations. IBB guarantees that biological samples are collected and stored using the highest technological standards, with donor approval and in respect of ethic-legal laws. Moreover, IBB guarantees high levels of security on donors privacy. Samples can be provided only for Research Projects authorized by an Ethic Commettee (where the authorization is necessary) and following an authorization by the Scientific Director.
Also, IBB aims to facilitate the coordination of the already working tumor tissues Biobank (held in trust to Dr. Renato Franco, anatomical pathologist, coadiuvated by 2 units of contract staff, Dr. Monica Cantile - biologist - and Mrs Ornella Sacco - Data Manager) with future Biobanks, in order to balance the procedures according to the international guidelines.
Institutional Biobank Regulation has been approved by the General Director with Deliberation n. 461 of 28. 05.2012

The structural project, whose resolution is in the final stage, consists of n.2 macroareas.
Macroarea A, of 120 m2 approx., is designed to allocate the storage of cyto-hystologic slides and paraffin inclusions.
Macroarea B, of 180 m2 approx., will house the storage of cryogenic systems (with external connections for vacuum systems) and distribution of frozen samples.
Both Macroareas will be under the control of an efficient management system, particularly competent in samples tracebility

Forms and useful documents

  • BioBanK regulation (PDF)
  • Samples Request Form (DOC)
  • Material and Data Transfer Agreement MDTA (DOC)

References and Contacts
Head Manager: Dr. Gerardo Botti
Address: Via M. Semmola- 80131 Napoli
Location: Scientific Building - Ground floor
ph.: +39.081.5903766
fax: +39.081 .5903718
e-mail: biobancaistituzionale@istitutotumori.na.it


Istituto Nazionale Tumori IRCCS "Fondazione G. Pascale" via Mariano Semmola - 80131 Napoli