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Innovazione&Ricerca is the monthly newsletter created to facilitate the dissemination of news and insights on research, innovation and technological development in the biomedical field, with a focus in oncology.

Through Innovazione&Ricerca you can receive latest scientific publications and clinical studies national and international updates, as well as information about financing programs, opportunities for partnerships and collaborations for a scientific research support.

The newsletter also includes one or more sections dedicated to Pascale, with reports and interviews with researchers and clinicians  through which you can know more about their research projects and studies.

Innovazione&Ricerca  is a dynamic information tool that allows multiple reading levels: synthetic topics can be deepened through sources consultation and referral web sites links.
It can be viewed online or downloaded in PDF format


To receive the newsletter and/or propose ideas and suggestions write to:
Dr.ssa Maria Luigia Mazzone
e-mail: innovazione@istitutotumori.na.it


Current issue

Innovazione&Ricerca   Innovazione&Ricerca n. 5/2014 – PDF

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Istituto Nazionale Tumori IRCCS "Fondazione G. Pascale" via Mariano Semmola - 80131 Napoli